Sunday, December 31, 2006

Another beginning to a new end...

Earlier, every time a new year approached, I would be excited what all I wanted to do in the coming year. But this time, when I started looking at the new year, I saw myself looking beyond the next 365 days..I guess this time, the point of reference had changed and I could easily just turn back and see my life as a map laid down on the table. Only that it had more zigzag lines than any complicated map would have !! But this view of 27 years of life actually helped me formulate some postulates about me and help me decide what I want to do next.

And I guess the only way to make things better, is to make life simple. Once you remove the complications, everything becomes crystal clear and you start functioning as an open loop system. Though isolated, but very efficient. And at this phase of life, this looks to be an optimum solution.

This year ended with a low and a high. The low not because I still could not get to my dream destination, but due to the inability to bring myself to a level wherein I could not be easily dismissed. But that low has brought in a high in the form of rejuvenated vigor to extract the maximum of what I have. I guess most of the times, we do not make the most of what we presently have and try to mix future with the present.

Well,this new year seems to have a lot in store for me to achieve :

-Get back into shape.
-Start playing racket ball.
-Realized that I am devoting too much time on MBA studies. I need to keep myself updated or else things will just crash.
-Get my wife here so that we start living our married life together. Its been four years since we have not lived with each other. Kudos to her for maintaining this long distance relationship.
-Start testing the concept of Gandhigiri. After seeing Lage Raho, I am gonna give one serious try to it. I still dont know whether I have the patience of being hit once and still allowing the other person to hit me again. But I am gonna give my best shot.
-Make life simple. Am not gonna distract myself and for once, allow myself to pursue my career in a field which excites me.
-Be a good son to an ailing father. We sometimes are so engrossed with our own lives that we tend to forget the very reason we are here.
-Treat the past as a sunk cost. Just stop worrying about it..

Things which I expect :

-US and Indian economy dont crash. I am due to graduate by the end of this year.
-Neetu (My wife) gets her visa.
-Yogesh and Nadkar have an amazing married life.
-Life becomes simple for Nitesh.
-My dad recovers.
-Amitoj gets his dream job.
-Arjun Singh becomes sane.
-Bharani starts blogging more regularly.

I just hope that Murphy's law is not applicable this year !!

Enjoy..Zindagi Rocks..

Monday, December 18, 2006

Yaaron !!

Once down !! Twice down !! It took me a long time to let the feeling sink down. There are times when you just wish that time rolls back and you make amends to things which can determine your future. But then eventually reality strikes. But then as Bharani said "I have come to realise that many things in our life happen for a reason...and we just need to take the positive thing out of the event."

Well it may be a generic advice, to always extract the positives from whatever happens to us. But frankly it works. There are so many things happening in our life that if we look back and analyze each situation..then it strikes that if that incident would'nt have happened, we would not be able to enjoy the present situation we are in. But again, however good the present situation is, we always anticipate that future is brighter than the present. And thats when we stop living life.

I guess we should stop living life for a reason. We should start living it for the sake of replenishment. Replenishing our faith in happiness. We need to extract the maximum of whatever we get. So many times we just let go of things which we think have no meaning. But when we look back, we regret not holding to them.

When i walk down memory lane, the moments spent with friends and family make me nostalgic. Those moments spent with Yogesh, Nadu and Nitesh are invaluable..I still remember those lengthy talks with Yogesh when we spent half the time discussing how and why some things should happen..and I am so happy that they happened.. Nadu pursued whatever he wanted to do.. And both Yogesh and Nadu are gonna be marrying their sweethearts nearly in the same time frame. I feel so secure to be around with Nitesh. He has a solution for every problem and has been a life support system. I dont know what I would have done without these guys.

Was just reading Bharani's blog a little while ago. I just adore this person !! Sometimes I just place him as a role model !! His thought process is so clear and his cravings so special.. There are so many times I can relate to whatever he writes. There have been times I would like to do certain things. But eventually I dont. God bless this master of thoughts !!

Well..I have just started with the winter break. It should be an exciting as well as a relaxing one though !! Gonna catch up with old friends in California and then head to Houston to be with family. There are change of plans and I have to now redirect myself to the new way of expectations.

Life has a lot to give you !! How many days do we remember when we actually lived our life the way we want to.. I guess hardly 10 or 15. In 27 years of age i.e. 9855 days..Gosh that means only 0.0015 % of my life I have lived it to the fullest. There is something seriously wrong !! I guess I have to find a new way to live life kingsize !!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

MBA...Change of Perceptions !!

Friday Night --> The only night when owls are left alone...Why ? Cos MBA students are sleeping !!

Generally, whenever I am standing in a queue at a Take away joint, I would generally let some vague thoughts cross my mind and pass my time away. But yesterday, things changed. I was standing in a queue at Chipotle and I saw myself calculating serve time,arrival rate etc etc. I was trying to gauge the "fat rabbits a.k.a bottlenecks" and trying to figure out how much time would it would take me to pick up my burrito Thats what a good class of operations does to you !!! But all credits to Dr. Rogelio Oliva for making operations so natural to you. The guy is awesome !! He is an former Harvard professor, has amazing stamina (runs close to 3 miles in a lecture) and makes you think, think and think.

In the end, I guess, MBA changes perceptions. It allows you to take liberty with your thought process and give one opportunity to think the way you want. And once you start ticking, that opportunity becomes your routine activity. There was a time when I used to fret about the work load. But I guess, the program was simply asking us to evaluate our time management skills and improve them for judgement day !!

Similar things are happening with the Finance course. Each rational thought ends at NPV. If its a negative NPV, forget it !! And the mother of all truths...Forget the sunk cost. Its gone. Think about future cash flows and compare them only....Gosh..Only if I could understand this early in life..Would have quit Reliance long back !!!

Anyways...For anyone thinking of doing an MBA !! Do it..Not for money, not for education !! But for change of perception !!!