Friday, August 27, 2004

Mar's Syndrome

Well.. this is about a bit about branding... Mar's syndrome is connected with a certain style of branding.. Mars is a one of the top confectionery brand in the world..they started with milky way and the famous Mars bars... the company grew and profits swelled.. As the management changed and new product innovation led to pet food production. After a extended think process, it was decided that the pet food would not carry the Mar's brand name.. this was primarily done to avoid dilution of the brand and also to protect it from getting effected if the pet food didnt do well.. this singular branding process was then christened Mar's syndrome...

On the contrary, Richard Branson of Virgin, launched every product under the company's stable carrying the Virgin tag.. Be it virgin airlines,virgin music or the latest virgin erotic lingerie... all carry the virgin brand name... This british baron has off and on commented on the risk he carries.. Virgin is synonymous to quality and innovativness.. according to him, whenever a consumer see's the Virgin (the famous Mermaid_) logo, he can imagine the product to be different from others.. there is a risk of dilution and one product loss may effect the other.. but then.. it seems..the risk is worth it...

overall..what i wanna say is.. that.. its the perception of each one of us, which can carry a product to any destination which we wanna reach... very few success stories have revolved around market research.. most of them have had an element of gut feeling and risk.. innovation is actually all about these two.. if u can risk to think the way you feel.. u can do wonders...

just do it...

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