Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Our destinies resembles a keyboard... what u type in.. u get on the screeen... what u do in life.. u get the same as your destiny...
students work hard.. clear exams.. work hard .. clear courses.. work hard..perform... work hard.. satisfaction...
similarly..all our endeavours are basically a result of some event that has occured in our lives.. In business.. ethical practices are getting rarer by the day.. but companies which have stuck to it are reaping its benefits now.. take the case of Johnson and Johnson... a company of great repute.. financially stable.. and ethically rightly placed... in the late 70's the company underwent a situation which could have lead to the company's disaster.... One day due to somebody's mischief. a whole batch of a particular medicine was mixed with poison. The effect ..deaths... J & JJ had options.. either release a ad in the paper to warn people against purchasing the medicine.. or call back the entire batch... (which was a tougher option).. But the management decided to go for it.. and then it began.. the call back exercise involved the employees to reach every house where the medicine was sold.. even the MD of the company was involved in this house hunting process.. after two months of this rigrous exercise the company could manage to call back the entire stock... and now.. J & J holds one of the top positions as "the most ethical brand"....

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