Sunday, August 20, 2006

End of the beginning.. Classes start..

Its been a long time since I last updated my blog. But I guess its was my own laziness which tempted me to sleep around most of the time.

Two weeks in houston pre-college gave me an oppurtunity to unwind myself. After working 14 hours a day at Reliance and then an immediate lull made me realise how well one can manage his time.

Orientation started on 10 August with a welcome desert dinner. It was one hell of a ice breaker. Post that it was more like a pre-term than an orientation with a statistics camp and some initial case solving sessions. But the awakener was the Beer Game. It is a classic game to be played if one wants to get a gist of Supply Chain Managment.

The assignments and homework has just started to prowl in me and I guess I should be adapting to it pretty fast. We got our classes divided evenly. 37 each and a team of 4/5 in each. Ours is beta4.

Classes begin on Monday and a lot of pre-reading down the aisle.

I came to Mays with least expectations.. I hope to be proved wrong in the long run.

Last week happenings : Swapnil finally got engaged..Really happy for them... They make an amazing couple. Yogesh quit Wipro and all set for a marriage in Feb... Neetu is gearing up to come here here. Gosh..I miss her so much.. Some problems back home. I really hope to seem them resolved... These are things which prompt me to come back to India as soon as possible.

Really looking forward to the MBA program. It is exciting and I have a gut feeling that I will enjoy the tenure here. Guess the 80 hour/week home study schedule shouldnt be that bad.

Next blog shouldnt take as many months as this one. Hope to trim the period down to a week.

1 comment:

iceman said...

All the best dude! Keep the posts coming. Hope things get sorted out. :)