Thursday, April 20, 2006

Getting Ready...

It has been an hectic month. Getting passport re-issued (=heroic task), getting my I-20 done and following up with the admissions office for a better deal to study at Mays.

Swapnil is at ISB now and is very excited about being there. Check his blog for a realistic view on ISB. Prospective students should be in touch with him for the simple reason that he can give a very holistic view about the whole process.

Neetu has completed her MBA and her convocation is scheduled on 8th May.. Her family and I shall be present there. She is going to join TCS in June.

Yogesh is in Pune and shall be joining WIPRO in May. God everyone is getting settled and I am going the study way at 27. But then.. I have to..

Am really excited to meet Amitoj at Mays.. He has been an inspiring force for me towards this journey for my MBA. Frankly I hadnt even given a thought to attend Mays when I was writing my GMAT. But when I put every piece together, I feel its a good option and gives me an opportunity to come back to India..

Weekend is going to be at Pune. Have a ceremony planned for the new born baby... (Yuvraj).. He is a very sweet child....

Guess.two months are gonna go away soon.. I am going to schedule my visa date as soon as possible..

Hope to see Swapnil in the coming week...

Also intend to blog more :)


Anonymous said...


I am as excited to meet you as well! Good luck for all your last minute preparations..
I am sure the next few months are going to be really exciting for you!

Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

The moment you have been waiting for!

- Anand

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.