Friday, March 03, 2006

Meeting T2... Part II

Met T2 again...

Its always a pleasure to meet T2. He is amazing individual and has such innovative and precise ideas and thoughts that one can listen to him for ages. It was an amazing evening at one of my favourite *resting* joints--> barista. I,T2 and N discussed anything under the sun. We had pics taken with our laptops and did some crazy things which brought me back to childhood. Well T2 is on the marriage way, so dont want to say anything else.

Well T2 will be joining ISB in April and I am going to miss him a lot. His confidence in me was unwarranted but it surely has brought me closer to ISB.

Hope T2 dosent disappear post- ISB. One panelist asked, you took a couple of gmat's. will you get so many retakes in life. And I guess the answer is, that each situation, meeting anything... is a retake... Its just that we dont realise it.


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