Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The big journey to US

I was contemplating hosting a FAQ for the same cos I needed it too.

The whole MBA application process takes more than a year. If i gauge each phase on a minimum basis, two months for GMAT prep, Four months in applications, 2 months awaiting interviews, 1 month giving interviews, 1 month waiting for admits, 1 month negotiating with adcom,1 month renewing passport (worst case scenario), visa application, making travel arrangements and miscellanous stuff.

Well anyways. The TAMU Indian Association was kind enough to make an amazing document which has helped us a lot.

The Accounting prof has asked us to download a software called Aleks which will help her gauge our accounting knowledge at the start of the class. Lets see how i perform cos I have no accounting background whatsoever..

Yogesh is coming to Mumbai this weekend. So I hope to share a drink with him.

Swapnil has got busy again and R has got a job. Really happy for her.

Read Bharani's blog. He is an amazing person with a very clear thought process.

Good Morning ISB

This was one trip I had been contemplating for a long time. All credits to Nadu (T2) to pull me through to ISB (My second love...) . T2’s term 1 had just ended and he was in midst of a much deserved break. The night longbus trip hadnt worked wonders on me and somehow my spirits had gone to an alltime low. But the very sight of "Indian School of Business” flushed all thoughts and generated all the excitement to enjoy the very beauty of this awesome institution.

The security guard brought a smile on my face by referring that my name is identical to that of the Chairman’s and the very thought of being “The Rajat Gupta” made me nervous.
As I rode towards the student village I was amazed to go through the signboard. It read “Drive Slowly, Peacock Crossing”. Gosh it sounded as if I am in midst of an sanctuary.

And then I get to meet Freddie aka T2 in true bohemian style. I could see the very excitement in him to show me across ISB as he knew the crush/love I had for it.

One thing I realized about ISB, is that it will take a lot of a student’s commitment to remain fat cos u need to walk amazing distances to reach from one point to another. But on the whole it was fun cos I got an opportunity to talk about a host of things with T2. We talked about professors, carbon trading, artium and squash. Infact, I got to meet his squash partner at lunch and we talked all about ISB. How it is positioned, how it needs to grow and how more global finance companies need to be seduced..

And then I get to meet someone who actually complements T2, his would to be other half. I didn’t know that T2 could have made such a good choice knowing his earlier bent of mind. R is a true person at heart, very down-to-earth and has a distinct simplicity. The next two days passed off in a jiffy with T2 treating me at some great places. I was in awe with his hospitality and bored of his “I will take ur dollar treat later”.

The final day at Hyderabad was made memorable by our visit to the Golconda Fort. It was one rare example of spectacular architecture and unforeseen engineering. I couldn’t believe that medivial architects were so advanced. The sound and the light show with Mr. Amitabh Bacchan’s voice relived the history of Golconda.

After coming back to ISB we stayed awake all night talking about anything under the sun. Calling long distance and talking to our old friend and discussing some untouched areas of life made this visit a memorable one. I had come to visit ISB. But in the space of two days, I not only graced ISB but I got to know T2 and R much better and became emotionally attached to them.

T2 and ISB Rocks…